Bed rest? What bed rest? We’re having a baby shower!


If  you’ve been paying attention, you probably noticed we had several showers, probably more than the average bear.  At first I felt a little gluttonous about it, but here’s the deal 1. we are soooooo blessed to have friends, family, and co workers (and even some acquaintances) who care about us and wanted to shower us 2. we are having FOUR babies!   Do you know how much stuff four babies need?  It is pretty insane!  I mean, George has had to seriously expand the storage in our house to make living in it with four babies even possible.    

Since we knew bed rest was inevitable, most of my showers, especially the school ones were held quite early to make sure I’d be around.   However, one of them just could not be moved up so we scheduled it knowing my location was TBA, but hoping it could go as planned.  Well, I was on strict bed rest by the time the last shower date arrived, but thankfully I was still home.  My sweet hostesses, Terri, Kaylie, Courtney, and Kelsey did an amazing job of relocating the entire shower at my house.  It looked as if they planned for it to be here all along.  They set up a “photo booth” in our study where they left props so guests could take silly pictures and leave messages for us.  (I don’t have all the photo booth pictures yet so those will be posted later.  I can’t wait to see them, actually).  Delicious food was spread out and complimented by “bubble bath punch”.  Rather than doing a diaper cake, they made these cool onsie trees for each baby.  I loved every special touch!  Thanks, girls! 

Having the shower at my house was actually pretty cool because everyone got to tour the now completed nurseries, gawk at our quad stroller and van, and see the playroom.   Plus no one had to deliver gifts from a hostess home to mine.   I stayed propped up on the couch dutifully drinking water the entire time, but my stamina faded pretty quickly.  I ended up enlisting the help of George’s cousin, Brandi, for gift opening because bending over just got to be too much.   By the end of the shower my energy reserves were gone, but since I was at home I just crawled into bed for a nice long nap. 

After showers, I LOVE to write thank you notes.  I know that sounds odd, but I do.  I like using fun stationary and I think getting snail mail is fun so I like sending it.  However, sitting up long enough to write them has become taxing.   It has gotten so bad I can only write 3-4 at a time before I have to lay on my side to rest.  So….I had a great idea.  The guests self-addressed envelopes and inserted sticky notes stating what they brought.  It made a HUGE difference for me.  It allowed me to write hand-written thank you notes, but minimized the sitting up part significantly.  Guess what?  My thank you notes have all been mailed!  =) 



4 thoughts on “Bed rest? What bed rest? We’re having a baby shower!

  1. Definately blessed by truly great family and friends. It was a super fun shower…..and Mrs. Smith would never give you detention. Maybe she was scolding you for that last cakeball ; )


    • LOL- I am pretty sure I never got into trouble in her class, but it sure looks like I am in trouble in that picture. Too funny.


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