Just a Little Scary


We made it to our 28 week doctor’s appointment today. Thankfully, Dr. Tabor was happy with my blood sugar levels so I don’t have to monitor daily anymore. He does want me checking Monday and Friday to make sure they don’t go crazy. I can handle that. My vitals were also in check.

Then we had a scare….

You see, each week, all of the babies are monitored via ultrasound to check fluid levels and for movement. In addition, something called a Doppler is used to check the blood flow and pressure on Sydney’s umbilical cord. Since we hit the 28 week mark, today each baby needed to demonstrate “practice breathing”, or moving fluid in and out of the lungs. Rylin, Harper, and Mason all passed as they had good fluids, moved, and practiced their breathing. Our tiny girl, Sydney had adequate fluids, but did not perform. We could hear and see her heartbeat, which offered a piece of mind, but this usually acrobatic girl did not budge. Our ultrasound tech, Celeste, persisted for 15 minutes, but Sydney did nothing. Finally, Dr. Tabor came in and said we needed some movement within 30 minutes, which meant Sydney had 15 minutes left to perform. If she didn’t, I would head to the hospital for observation, and we would possibly have to deliver today. Because we were past 28 weeks I didn’t meltdown, but I was really worried about the possibility.

Celeste didn’t give up on Sydney and kept searching for movement another 15 minutes. Everyone tried to help. I poked my belly, George directed her to “move”, and even Harper kicked Sydney. Nothing. This girl was not moving. She was happily curled up and that was that. I literally prayed, “God, please help Sydney move.” It was simple, but that was all I had. Dr. Tabor returned and I figured it was to the hospital with me. Fortunately, I was wrong. Dr. Tabor used the Doppler and noted that Sydney’s cord and pressure were good. The she did it, she moved! Hallelujah!!!

Dr. Tabor said we caught her during a nap. Apparently babies at this stage go in and out of sleep cycles like that and she was conked out, and they don’t breathe while they sleep since it is practice anyways. She woke up just in time to pass her test. Whew! That meant, I got to go home and the hospital was averted for a bit longer.

Why the monkey picture? George insisted I include it since we had a scare today. I hate this monkey because I think it looks deranged and scary. However, I got it as a gift for George from an antique store when I found out he really loved it. It has a home perched on a bookshelf in our study because I told George it was far to scary for the boys nursery and he’s ok with that. Hey, this monkey is lucky to even have a home!



28 weeks, 4 days

10 thoughts on “Just a Little Scary

  1. I am so sorry that Sydney caused you way too many minutes of uncertainty today but glad she finally woke. Another good report so way to go momma!


  2. That is one scary monkey!!!!!! Way to go Sydney. Looking forward to meeting all these little angels. I love you.


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