Toddler Tips #264: What’s that smell???

With each passing day, I find myself trying to solve some new challenge with raising four toddlers, aka “quaddlers”. They are a cunning lot who inspires a little ingenuity on my part (and George’s) just to manage day to day life. While my ideas are born from being surrounded by four toddlers, I think many of them could be helpful to any parents of little ones so I'm sharing.

With each passing day, I find myself trying to solve some new challenge with raising four toddlers, aka “quaddlers”. They are a cunning lot who inspires a little ingenuity on my part (and George’s) just to manage day to day life. While my ideas are born from being surrounded by four toddlers, I think many of them could be helpful to any parents of little ones so I’m sharing.

Unlike most families with babies, we do not have a diaper pail.  Instead, we have a custom made “diaper chute”.  Long before the quads arrival, George thought a diaper pail would be a hassle with so many diapers used daily.  Instead, he created a laundry chute type disposal system that allows us to drop our stinkies right into the garage.  Admittedly, I thought it was a silly idea at first.  It was PURE GENIUS.  George empties the “diaper chute” about every 3-4 days when diapers reach the rim.  Up until a few months ago we never smelled it, not even during the triple digit temperatures in July.

A few weeks ago, I kept noticing a horrific stench trailing from the girls nursery.  It was a bit mysterious since it was below freezing outside and the “diaper chute” never smelled before.   George is an anosmic, meaning he has no sense of smell so he was no help in the matter.  However, he pointed out that we had DIY deodorizers in the closet that may have gotten old.  At some point during bed rest, my sister and I made them, and I had not refreshed the baking soda and oils since.  That meant they were absorbing stench for nearly a year and half!  When I refreshed them, the rancid odor disappeared and hasn’t been a problem since.  Honestly, I didn’t expect much from these DIY deodorizers.  I considered it more of a time passer while on bed rest than anything.  From now on, I’ll be sure to do a periodic refresh, and I may stash them in other places such as the garage.

Fill a mason jar halfway with baking soda, then add a few drops of whatever essential oils you prefer. I used lavender and rosemary for this one. Peppermint and lavender is also really nice. Use a butter knife to mix the oils into the baking soda. Cover the jar with a scrap of fabric and seal with the rim of the jar.

Fill a mason jar halfway with baking soda, then add a few drops of whatever essential oils you prefer. I used lavender and rosemary for this one. Peppermint and lavender is also really nice. Use a butter knife to mix the oils into the baking soda. Cover the jar with a scrap of fabric and seal with the rim of the jar.


If you have a smelly diaper pail, kitty litter box, dog crate, or other stinky area, you may want to make a couple too.  For such an unassuming mason jar, this thing packs a punch against tough odors.



10 thoughts on “Toddler Tips #264: What’s that smell???

  1. Ooh, I’m so going to do this. I have a massive bag of baking soda from Sam’s, and I wanted to figure out how to use some of it in our under-the-cabinet trash bag area, but I hadn’t quite figured out how to do it. And you have relieved me of the pressure to use my brain and figure it out. 🙂


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