Sprayground {Summer Bucket List}

In the heat of Texas, Splash Pads/ Spraygrounds/ Splash Parks are all the rage for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. These are generally city owned and operated parks that involve water sprayers and sprinkler type structures.  There are no pools of water, which is great for children who cannot yet swim, and it’s a relief for parents supervising little ones. Plus they are my favorite price, free! I’ve been itching to give one a try all season.

Even though I’ve been more caviler in taking the quads out myself, I was more than relieved to have my friend, Kristen, join us.  An extra set of hands and eyes is always nice for a new excursion.  Though I don’t typically dress the quads in matching threads, I bought matchy suits especially for the sprayground.  I’ve found that dressing the kids alike helps me keep tabs on everyone if they’ll have opportunities to dart away.

When we arrived at the sprayground, the quads hesitantly followed Kristen and I through the gates. We spotted an empty table shaded by an awning and staked claim with our baggage.   I planned on the kids playing in the water for a while, then breaking for lunch.  Much to my dismay, not one of the kids was eager to approach the water.  Kristen and I made a decision to enjoy an early picnic, giving the kids time to observe their peers at play before giving it a whirl.


After polishing off our meal, the quads were still uninterested in playing.  Eventually the boys decided to explore with Kristen.  It was going well until another sprayer unexpectedly doused them.  They were D-O-N-E at that point, and the girls were not having any part of this wet mania. Kristen and I took turns taking kids through the tame misters, and every single child blubbered and wailed through the entire experience.  We were miserable.  It wasn’t long before we cut this field trip short and headed home.


To prove we were all at the splahsground, Kristen snapped this photo-



Getting four two year olds ready for the sprayground was a huge undertaking and I didn’t want all the effort going to waste.  Once at home, we filled up trusty inflatable giraffe pool, which the quads thoroughly enjoyed before nap time arrived.

inflatable pool

Following nap, we hit up or local frozen yogurt shop for an afternoon snack.  The quads got a kick out of choosing their own flavors and toppings.  Sydney chose classic chocolate, which she dribbled all over her yellow and white dress (if you have tips for removing chocolate frozen yogurt from clothing- I’m open to suggestions!). In the past, shaving cream removed chocolate stains, but not this one.

I’m not giving up on the concept of a splash pad/ sprayground just yet.  We have a sprinkler for the yard, and I’m hoping it will help the quads warm up to sprayers.  Even if it wasn’t a total success, we knocked more items off our summer bucket list!

  1. Movies
  2. Sea Life Aquarium
  3. Train ride
  4. Fire station tour
  5. Library story time
  6. Sprayground
  7. Zoo
  8. Bahama Buck’s
  9. Frozen yogurt
  10. Community pool
  11. Grill dinner outside
  12. Water Table
  13. Inflatable Pool
  14. Sprinklers
  15. Ice Cream
  16. Indoor playgrounds
  17. Lee’s Grilled Cheese
  18. Blow bubbles
  19. Chalk drawings
  20. Board games
  21. Play dates
  22. Summer Reading Club
  23. Dance classes
  24. Fireworks
  25. Sleep over with grandparents
  26. Nature Walks
  27. Bounce house
  28. Popsicles
  29. S’mores
  30. Sparklers
  31. Water pistol duels



PS- If you can’t get enough of Four to Adore, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

4 thoughts on “Sprayground {Summer Bucket List}

  1. Naomi hates our splash pad so far, too. Last time we were there I convinced her to repeatedly crawl under these arcing sprayers that she could do without getting wet… so I’m not sure what the point of that was. The twins hated them too at that age–it took till they were probably 5 before they liked the REALLY splashy ones.

    Looking at your list… there are Alamo Drafthouses up there, right? I know they’re in Austin. The ones here offer free summer movies in the mornings for kids three and over. You can order food and eat right in the theater, and it helps that nobody cares if kids crawl all over the place. Which reminds me, I need to find one for us to watch this summer… Naomi can pretend she’s three, right? 🙂


    • Based on the feedback I’m getting, it looks like more toddlers/ preschoolers hate the splash pad scene than love it. I can see why, it’s so unpredictable. Maybe in a year or two mine will enjoy it more. I don’t think we have Alamo Drafthouses here, but we have movie house places that do free or cheap kid movies. We went to see Home at the discount theater recently…blog post coming 🙂 I’m sure Naomi can pass for three (ironic when you want them to pass as older isn’t it? usually you want younger because 2 and under are free).


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