The Little Things Thursdays: Installment #31

Since today is Thursday, it’s time to link up with Rebecca at A Beautiful Ruckus as we highlight some of the little moments that made our week special.

1. I am always in awe of how fathers and mothers engage with their children differently.  Sometimes I find myself getting aggravated when George doesn’t do things “my way”.  However, the majority of the time, he’s quite clever.  When the babies were fussy one day, I stumbled upon him juggling their nesting cups.  He had a captive audience!


Now that the babies have reasonable balance, they are all adept at sitting on the hearth and getting down safely.  Amen.

2. Each time I fold laundry Harper slips into my basket.  The other night, he was cranky, but became calm after crawling into the laundry basket.  It then occurred to me that it’s his “happy place”.


The only problem with this is that he messes up my folding routine.

3. After George and I delivered a presentation at the hospital last week, I was finally able to take the babies to meet Dr. Tabor.  We are forever grateful for prenatal care he provided and his keen, watchful eye that helped me carry the babies so far.  He was so funny after meeting them, he wanted to know which baby was the “Alpha”.  Any ideas who I named as “Alpha”?

Dr. Tabor

When taking pictures with quadruplets, you get what you get.  We were lucky the babies weren’t screaming because it was past nap time and they ate lunch in their strollers while we waited for Dr. Tabor to finish with a patient.

While at the hospital, we also got to see Violet again.  She was one of the nurses who helped prep me for delivery and saw me through recovery.  While delivery day was exciting, it was also terrifying and Violet helped calm me for the event.  Also thanks to Violet, I was able to visit the babies in the NICU a few hours after delivery.


I’ll never forget the care I received from Violet and will thank her forever.

4.  We are working really hard to transition the babies from a pureed food diet to finger foods.  They are doing well with this for the most part.  However, Syndey, in particular is averse to picking up wet or slimy textures.  This means getting her to eat fruits and veggies as finger foods is almost impossible.  Nonetheless, I consistently offer her slices of fruit and veggies the other babies scarf down.  I see her eye them, but she never picks them up and she typically spits them out if I spoon feed them to her.  Today she turned a corner and picked up watermelon.  Granted, she didn’t eat it, but she picked it up and examined it for a long time.  It’s major progress!


I became ecstatic when some of her watermelon went missing.  Then I realized it fell into the pocket of her bib.


At one point, Sydney had a piece of watermelon in each hand and she gleefully clapped them together.

5. If you follow us on Facebook, you may have seen that we have our first official walker!  Please drop by our page if you want to find out who.

What warmed your heart this week?



P. S. There is still time to enter our September to Remember $200 giveaway!  I’d really love one of our readers to win it, and you can only win if you enter.

9 thoughts on “The Little Things Thursdays: Installment #31

  1. All of my kids loved to crawl into small spaces — the toy box in the den, the laundry basket, and the basket of toys I kept in their pack and play. I think they feel safe there! Love the pics and all you’re doing to train your children. Good work mama!


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