Drum Roll Please……

Today was a very special appointment with Dr. Tabor.  He did an examination of anatomy and gender reveal!  It is absolutely amazing what you can see on the ultrasound.  We saw the hemispheres of the brain, four chambers of the heart, stomachs with intestines, liver, lungs, rib cages, femurs, arms/ legs/ feet/ hands/ fingers/ toes, eyes, and ears for each baby.  They all were growing according to schedule, had good fluid levels, and no anatomical anomalies.   That is what every parent wants to see and hear!  I can sleep well tonight.

On to the really fun part!  Babies B and D were very easy to determine as they had their legs all over the place.  Babies A and C thought they would be modest and cross their legs, which made determining gender a little more difficult.  However, Dr. Tabor and his sonographer were not going to let these little darlings get away with that.  They prodded and poked until we determined everyone’s gender.  Here it goes…..

Baby A- GIRL, Baby B- BOY, Baby C- GIRL, and Baby D- BOY!!!!!!!!  This certainly makes our room sharing much easier, and I can’t wait to choose bedding and fun decorative touches for their nurseries.



26 thoughts on “Drum Roll Please……

  1. That’s wonderful!!!!!!!!!! I am so so happy for you and your husband. I can’t wait to go shopping again. Now we can buy pinks and blues. Hope to see you soon 🙂 Kim Frye


  2. Yea! Now we can go shopping again for the cutesy stuff. 😉 lol. Keep me updated on bedroom themes/colors – im still thinking of painting them some art. 🙂


  3. Could this be any more perfect? I just cried reading this! About your NICU post, we loved our NICU stay. Even though Daniel was my third baby, I learned so much! They were wonderful at our hospital and we left feeling blessed to have the experience. Praying for you and so excited!


    • Aw, thanks! We couldn’t have been happier about it! I’m so happy you had a good NICU experience, we have a great feeling about Cook Children’s.


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