Mile Marker 28

We made it to week 28!!!! This is a HUGE milestone for us as the survival rate for the babies jumps up to 95% and the risks of long term disabilities drops dramatically. Of course we don’t really want the babies coming this week, but at least they have good chances if they did. I may not love being on house arrest, but I am really fortunate to still be home at this point. I love having my fur babies at my side all day and friends dropping by at home. Though I must admit, each day is a challenge for me. The discomforts increase each day and contractions are more common these days. It pained me to do it, but I had to take Tylenol in order to rest last night. I have had intermittent rib pain on the right the entire time (now exacerbated by Mason’s cute little feet), but it started on the left last night. I finally had to cry “uncle” and just had to down some Tylenol. I did actually sleep from 3:00-6:45 because of it.

I know each day the babies simmer is better for them, but my body is starting to rebel. Each day I put my big girl pants on (figuratively and literally) to make it another day because each day is a victory. Your prayers and positive thoughts have helped us make it here so please keep it up. As I become increasingly large and uncomfortable, my patience is thinning. So, perhaps pray that I remain calm and patient.





13 thoughts on “Mile Marker 28

  1. Congrats!!!! You are looking amazing and I think you are doing great considering the bed rest and the having four cute babies in there. Stay strong 🙂 Watch some cool tv shows to pass the time ja,ja I just watched House of Lies and liked it (if you’re into Show.time stuff). P.s. I have a packet waiting to be dropped off for you! I just keep missing the bus to get there on time before my class….but shooting for tomorrow! Hugs


      • Praise God,Amber! I looked at your blog as soon as I left church-Mike’s driving. Your name was on the prayer list and I worried you were in the hospital. I’m so happy you are all well and will continue to pray for all 6 of you 🙂


      • Mom apparently scared a lot of people by putting our name on the list. We are hanging in here though. Thanks for the continued prayers!


  2. You look amazing and I want to see pictures of your nurseries. The girls room looks awesome! I had to take tylenol the other night for a pounding headache but had no other choice. I hate that we feel guilty taking meds even though we know they are safe. My Dr gave me visteril to help if I notice contractions or just am uncomfortable to sleep. It does help and I have taken it a couple of times because of my tummy feeling tighter than usual. I sleep awesome on the nights I take it and is nice to sleep soundly. You are doing awesome and are getting so close to seeing your little angels!


    • Glad you like our nurseries! I just hated to take meds, but sometimes they are just necessary. It was so nice to get a few hours of sleep without aches. My doc said Tylenol was fine, but ugh.


    • Oh, I forgot to tell you. There is a tab at the top of our blog called photo gallery. In the photo gallery, there is a tab for the nurseries and you can see them from start to finish!


  3. You look amazing! I can’t believe there are more than ten pounds of babies in there, plus their accessories! I had a friend on bed rest with twins tell me that her doctor told her that every day the pregnancy lasted saved the babies 2-3 days in the NICU. So every day, and even every hour that you make it is a major accomplishment and a real benefit to the babies! And I know what you mean about not liking to take meds while pregnant–I don’t like it either, but Tylenol is about as safe as you can get. And if taking some Tylenol helps you reach your next milestone, both physically and mentally, then I vote that it’s worth it. Don’t feel guilty!


  4. I’ve been following your blog for a bit now (can’t even recall how I found it, but I’m assuming its because I love multiples blogs, as a mom of twins). 28 weeks is GREAT! My boys ended up coming at 29 weeks and after some NICU time, they came home perfect and healthy. It’s a great milestone and every minute they stay in there from now on things just get better and better for them. Congrats!


    • Glad you like the nursery wall! George painted the tree! Check out the nurseries in the photo gallery to see the rest of it. 🙂


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