Rain or Shine


Last year, the quads visited a pumpkin patch for the first time, and I knew it should become a family tradition.  There’s something about taking a hayride on a crisp day and the sight of bright orange pumpkins littering an open field that signals onset of autumn.  However, here in Texas most October days felt like summer with temperatures in the 80-90’s.  This summery weather stifled our autumn spirit.  When this weekend promised a cool front, we promised four little people a trip to the pumpkin patch.  Unfortunately, the cool front was accompanied by torrential rain, which did not bode well for our plans.  After our local meteorologist promised a slight reprieve in the afternoon, George and I knew we needed to keep good on our promise.  Anticipating plenty of mud, we took the kids to Payless Shoes to score some new kicks appropriate for mud.  They were trilled at finding rain boots clad beloved characters: Minnie Mouse, Spiderman, Anna & Elsa, and Lightning McQueen.  The boys were equally ecstatic we had an occasion for them to wear batman rain coats.



The boys proudly hauled their pumpkins into the farm-house for purchase.  These pumpkins will decorate or porch for Halloween, and then will be roasted for spiced pumpkin soup next month.


The kid’s rain boots proved worth every penny we spent on them.  Rylin happily twirled, hopped, and splashed about an enormous puddle.



Though many of the typical farm activities weren’t open due to the weather, the kids enjoyed visiting the rabbit, chickens, and farm dog.   They also experienced a see saw for the first time.  Unfortunately, see saws are quite dangerous and required close supervision, hence, not photos.  Sorry, folks!




Things don’t always go as we originally envision, but when we embrace life, they can be better than we imagined.  I’m glad we didn’t let a little rain and mud spoil our plans because we made the best kind of memories in the moment.



P.S. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

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