Our Home is Not a Pottery Barn Catalog


Long before our kids made their debut, George and I loved conquering DIY projects and decorating our home. We are quite thrifty and find joy in such projects. Every project begins with inspiration, and many times it’s from a design site, or my favorite, the Pottery Barn catalog. Oh how the Pottery Barn catalog speaks to my inner designer’s heart. Everything is always impeccably tidy and organized, yet inviting and warm. Whether there’s a dining room set to host a meal or a cozy sofa by the fireplace, I’d love to jump right in. While I come up with some fantastic Pottery Barn hacks, looking at these glossy pages sometimes skews my expectations for our home.

Is our home well-designed, cozy, and inviting? I believe so, and our friends and family seem to agree. Our home is filled with heart and it’s the very place where an abundance of family memories are made, but it’s no Pottery Barn catalog.  Every night after all of the children are snug in their beds, I scurry around the house working to fight clutter.  Though the kids tidied up themselves, there are always stray toys posing as tripping hazards, a sink of dirty dishes, dirty shoes and clothes littering the floor.  And that’s just the clutter.  Let’s not even entertain the dust bunnies, finger prints, and pet dander (I try to ignore those things when possible because there’s never enough hours in a day).


Once the kids were in toddler beds, unbelievable shenanigans ensued.  I’m talking, flipped beds, stripped boys, peeing contests, drawer emptying, clothes swapping.  We thought if we moved the boys into bigger, heavier beds some of this would stop.  Nope.  This pair is clever and has an uncanny way at finding solutions to any problem they encounter.  We pray they develop their curiosity and ingenuity to future careers…

Because of this, the boy’s room isn’t quite up to par with the girl’s grown up room, but it’s okay.  It’s real.  They have the same DIY Jenny Lind headboards attached to the wall.  They have some artwork, which is also secured to the wall and out of reach as they’ve been known to hang from paintings, snapping the picture wire.  Harper no longer has a foundation to his bed since he developed a routine of turning the mattress to create a teeter totter, which he told us was his car.  Their lamp is on the hutch, far out of reach since they dangled it by the cord and said it was their lantern.


Bedtime is full of epic stalling techniques.  Once these four created a bridge of kitchen stools and began chanting in delight.



My seagrass baskets meant to conceal toys in the den are often tipped over, allowing kids to crawl into the entertainment center.


This was one of the girls’ “masterpieces” created during nap time one afternoon.


A while back, I developed a habit of making our bed.  It takes about 90 seconds and makes me feel more accomplished as I begin the day.  However, little people are known to sabotage my efforts by hiding among the pillows.  Frustrating as it can be, they are simply adorable when they do this.


There are days when all of the clutter and grime in the house makes me feel anxious.  I wonder to myself why it isn’t like a Pottery Barn catalog.  Why can’t I keep things in a better state?  Well, duh!  OUR HOME IS NOT A POTTERY BARN CATALOG!   Families don’t live in catalogs, they are merely spaces created by designers to sell products.  They are void of all the love and joy of a home, and memories are not made there.  I’ll probably always continue my battle against clutter and work endlessly to keep things as tidy as possible, but it won’t be because I’m striving for a catalog photo shoot.  These things will continue because I’m the type of person who thrives in an orderly state and I simply cannot let it completely go.  I can change my state of mind, however.  Instead of feeling defeated, I can recall the events of the day.  When I trip over a Hot Wheel or Lego, I can remember the kids building a mighty tower and racing cars together and pick them up with a joyous heart.

Maybe it’s not a Pottery Barn catalog that makes you feel as though you don’t measure up.  Perhaps it’s your friend’s Facebook photos of glamorous vacations and hip parties.  Maybe it’s a coworker who easily meets goals, or the friend who eats a strictly organic diet and runs marathons.  Whatever the case, remember where your heart is, and stop making comparisons.



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Rain or Shine


Last year, the quads visited a pumpkin patch for the first time, and I knew it should become a family tradition.  There’s something about taking a hayride on a crisp day and the sight of bright orange pumpkins littering an open field that signals onset of autumn.  However, here in Texas most October days felt like summer with temperatures in the 80-90’s.  This summery weather stifled our autumn spirit.  When this weekend promised a cool front, we promised four little people a trip to the pumpkin patch.  Unfortunately, the cool front was accompanied by torrential rain, which did not bode well for our plans.  After our local meteorologist promised a slight reprieve in the afternoon, George and I knew we needed to keep good on our promise.  Anticipating plenty of mud, we took the kids to Payless Shoes to score some new kicks appropriate for mud.  They were trilled at finding rain boots clad beloved characters: Minnie Mouse, Spiderman, Anna & Elsa, and Lightning McQueen.  The boys were equally ecstatic we had an occasion for them to wear batman rain coats.



The boys proudly hauled their pumpkins into the farm-house for purchase.  These pumpkins will decorate or porch for Halloween, and then will be roasted for spiced pumpkin soup next month.


The kid’s rain boots proved worth every penny we spent on them.  Rylin happily twirled, hopped, and splashed about an enormous puddle.



Though many of the typical farm activities weren’t open due to the weather, the kids enjoyed visiting the rabbit, chickens, and farm dog.   They also experienced a see saw for the first time.  Unfortunately, see saws are quite dangerous and required close supervision, hence, not photos.  Sorry, folks!




Things don’t always go as we originally envision, but when we embrace life, they can be better than we imagined.  I’m glad we didn’t let a little rain and mud spoil our plans because we made the best kind of memories in the moment.



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Skelly Dog

As we cruised the aisles of Costco, George stopped in his tracks. “Skelly dog is FIVE DOLLARS!!!”, he proclaimed with delight. I sighed, knowing exactly what he was thinking. He added, “It was $10, but now it’s only $5. I NEED this.” I could have sworn this was one of my children clamoring over a new toy instead of my husband. Sarcastically, I remarked, “Need? Really?!?!” This Halloween decoration, a skeleton mutt, was as unappealing to me as George’s prized Halloween decoration, Elmer.

Yet, I knew we’d adopt the little mongrel because George loved it.  What surprised me was how much Harper also loved the little fella.  When we got home, Harper insisted we open Skelly Dog from his box right away.  Then, he proceeded to carry him around gleefully.  Last Halloween, Harper was terrified of George’s kitschy Halloween decor, but this year he’s all aboard.  It looks like George may have a protege after all.  Halloween has never been my favorite holiday, but my family is certainly warming my heart to the holiday.

A boy and his dog….



On Halloween night, Elmer will escape from the attic to perch on our porch with our little pet, Skelly Dog.  Happy Halloween!



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Tiny Feet, Big Impressions

Since I was expecting quadruplets I knew my babies would have a NICU stay, and I knew it would be difficult. In the months that led up to delivery, I communicated with other moms of quadruplets and braced myself for the inevitable.  In the first week or so, I was managing NICU life relatively well, but as the days and weeks passed, it wore on my heart. Seeing my babies struggle each day hurt.  About that time, our hospital’s resident art therapist, Diana, paid us a visit and the timing was impeccable.  Diana bonded with our family immediately and quickly began working on a masterpiece.   As the years pass and NICU life fades into memories, this piece of art remains as a salient reminder of just how much our babies have grown.  Right now, the painting is housed in our study’s curio cabinet, but at every birthday celebration, it’s a centerpiece of the party decor.

we got a bath and clothes016

Sydney was so tiny that preemie sized clothes were far too large.  Her foot was about the length of my thumb.

we got a bath and clothes019

we got a bath and clothes022


Exactly three years and two days after meeting Diana, the kids and I returned to the hospital for a specialist appointment.  The appointment was at 8:30 am and I was running solo, which meant it was a huge undertaking to get everyone ready.  I decided for the amount of effort required to go to this appointment, we’d make it into a day long field trip.  Following the appointment, we stopped by the Build a Bear workshop where the quads beloved teddy bears were born.  There, each of the kids bought undies for their bear.  Next, we popped by Starbucks where I treated myself to a caramel frapuccino to sip while the kids darted about the play area.  The kids had a blast exploring the hospital where they were once long term residents.


build a bear undies


Just as it was time to head home, I spotted the smiling face of a woman clad in splatter paint from head to toe.  It was none other than Diana herself!  Though it had been three years and the quads had grown, she remembered us immediately.  I am forever grateful for the gift of art Diana gave us at a difficult time, and I can only imagine the many hearts she’s touched and will touch.   Reuniting with Diana was the perfect opportunity to thank her for the impression she made years prior. Sometimes it really is the little things that leave the biggest impression on us.



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Three Year Stats

After the kid’s birthday, I always enjoy their well checks.  It may seem strange, but I really like spending the time to track their growth and developmental milestones (I may also like bragging about them a tad at the pediatrician’s office).  I try to make the day special for them too.  They are allowed to wear “top shelf” clothes, which are reserved for special occasions and  afterwards we do something special together.  At age two, I split them into two appointments: boys and girls.  It was nice having just two kids with me and I plan to schedule like that in the future especially as they change.  However, it worked better this year to book a quad appointment.

Unfortunately on the day of our appointment, the office was running behind and we waited over thirty minutes to go back.  The crew behaved really well and lapped up the attention they received from office staff.  They watched a movie in the waiting room, assembled puzzles, ate lollipops, read books, and built Lego towers.  As far as they were concerned, it was play time.  I was concerned whether they’d continue this behavior once we went into the exam room, but they were impeccable.

Nisey was a little tired of the wait, however.



During the exam, our pediatrician was pleased with everyone’s overall development and was surprised that in some areas they were ahead of what is expected of three-year olds.  For instance, they are beginning to color within the lines and communicate using lengthy sentences.  We need to work more on independence skills such as dressing themselves fully though.  It’s often easier for me to do things for them so I’ve stifled their opportunity to develop a few skills.  No surprise to me, all four are on the petite side, but growing at a satisfactory rate:  Stats are as follows:

Rylin- 2″ 10.5″ tall and 25 pounds, 9 ounces

Harper- 3′ .05″ tall and 32 pounds

Sydey- 2′ 10″ tall and 23 pounds

Mason- 2′ 10.8″ tall and 24 pounds



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Indoor Play Areas & Play Dates {Summer Bucket List}

Labor Day has come and gone, meaning it’s time to bid farewell to the lazy days of summer.  I’ve been back at work for nearly six weeks, and am starting a home school preschool routine for they days when I’m home.

Over the summer, we enjoyed an abundance of play dates and managed to soak in the cool air conditioning of indoor play areas in the process.   We met our friends at the library, local churches, restaurants, museums, and even their homes.


Playing at a friend’s house offers opportunities for the quads to practice respecting the rules of others, using manners, and taking turns with toys.


After spending time a local church’s playscape, my friend’s oldest daughter singlehandedly lined up five  three-year olds and led them to the parking lot.  This sweet big sister has a heart of gold and perhaps a future as a teacher.


The quads received a family membership to our local children’s museum as a birthday gift and we’ve made good use of it.  We have a well established routine for meeting buddies there and noshing on a picnic in the courtyard.


Play dates at the museum are terrific because there are ample things to do and explore and none of the toys belong to any of our kids.



I don’t know why it took me so long to find the joy in a McCafe while the quads romp around McPlayland.  McDonald’s will never top my list of favorite places to dine, but a warm cup of coffee while my children play in a climate controlled area close to home?  I don’t mind if I do!



We wrapped up our summer play dates with none other than the Bell Quads at our house.  I always marvel at lunch set up for eight.  It looks like a preschool class!

In lieu of naps, we had a screening of Tangled, which is a new quad favorite.  Sydney is hiding in the hallway to avoid seeing the “scary” part.

No play date is complete without bidding our friends farewell with a bear hug.



When I plunked down a summer bucket list, I didn’t consider the level of commitment involved.  It didn’t take us long to tackle the majority of the items listed, but keeping up with photo editing and blog publishing took me all summer long.  I’m glad I published the list though.  If I hadn’t, I may have skimped on our summer.  If you’re paying close attention, you probably noticed that “train ride” is yet to be accomplished.  Nisey and Poppa gave the kids a gift certificate to ride the train for the kid’s birthday.  We are waiting for fall weather to enjoy the trek so stay tuned for that quadventure!

  1. Movies
  2. Sea Life Aquarium
  3. Train ride
  4. Fire station tour
  5. Library story time
  6. Sprayground
  7. Zoo
  8. Bahama Buck’s
  9. Frozen yogurt
  10. Community pool
  11. Grill dinner outside
  12. Water Table
  13. Inflatable Pool
  14. Sprinklers
  15. Ice Cream
  16. Indoor playgrounds
  17. Lee’s Grilled Cheese
  18. Blow bubbles
  19. Chalk drawings
  20. Board games
  21. Play dates
  22. Summer Reading Club
  23. Dance classes
  24. Fireworks
  25. Sleep over with grandparents
  26. Nature Walks
  27. Bounce house
  28. Popsicles
  29. S’mores
  30. Sparklers
  31. Water pistol duels



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Party Animals {Safari Party}

Birthday parties are one of the few times it’s more cost-effective to have four children at the same time. Instead of hosting four parties throughout the year, we throw one big bash for four kids.  For the big one, we hosted a splash party at our home, and when they turned two we had a pirates and princesses soirée at the house.  I enjoy decking the house for parties,  but it’s hot outside in July and guests end up cramped in the den.  This year I decided the party would be away from home with limited prep and clean up.  We rented a local church’s jungle themed playscape.  I ran with the existing decor for a safari party.  My friend, Amber, designed custom invitations, which I printed myself.  She is expanding her Etsy shop, Texas Take, to include invitations and other printables.  For your next shindig, check out her collection.  If you don’t see something that fits your theme, she can create something unique for you.



I was disappointed at the lack of safari party supplies and favors at our local party and big box stores, but Amazon did not disappoint.  I scored paper bags at Hobby Lobby in the kid’s colors and filled them with Amazon trinkets including: neon animal print pencils, animal print notebooks, make-a-zoo animal sticker sheets, and flashlight key chains, all of which coincidentally came in the same four colors as the bags.  I also ordered each party guest a beige pith helmet to add to our party ambiance.  Keeping with our prior party tradition, my friend Jen, snapped photos of the party.  It means so much to me that she takes pictures because if it were up to me, we’d get home without a single picture.  I struggle to host parties and preserve memories of them at the same time.


Since our party wasn’t at home, our menu consisted of easy to prep and serve kid-friendly fare: fresh fruit, veggie straws, animal crackers, popcorn, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and juice boxes.  I intended on ordering a Costco sheet cake too, but George insisted on baking and decorating blue and pink velvet cupcakes himself.  He did a fantastic job!


As part of our party decor, I printed our three-year photos Jen shot the week prior and mounted them onto canvas using a tutorial from Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body. My little project set me back about $20 and maybe 30 minutes of time.  I believe I’ll be making many more canvas photos in the future.




As party guests arrived, we snapped a quick family photo.  As usual, we weren’t successful in capturing four smiling kids, but we got this one.


Our venue was ideal for our mix of party guests.  The quad’s little guests included another set of quads, a set of triplets, two sets of twins, and five singletons.  If you do the math, that’s lots of little people!  We also had their teenage cousins, parents, and grandparents at the party.  The littlest ones were content hanging out on the playscape while the older kids (and adults) were entertained by the arcade.








This year, we sang Happy Birthday to each of the kids individually.  They may share a birth date, but they are individual people so I try to honor that.  Rylin and Harper were slightly bashful, while Sydney soaked up the limelight and danced to the tune.











When it was time to open gifts, we lined the kids up at a table where they could be seated.  It worked really well for organization.






We managed to wrangle up both sets of quads for a quad squared photo.  EIGHT three-year olds and two Ambers in one frame.  Wheesh!


Here’s to a year with threenagers….stay tuned!



For the latest from Four to Adore, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!


Sprinklers {Summer Bucket List}

I remember running through the sprinkler on hot summer days as a kid and wanted the quads to have the same experience.  I found this Banzai Wiggling Water Sprinkler, which is perfect for a lot of kids since it stretches long rather than spraying one small area.  Since the quads aren’t huge fans of surprise sprays to the face I left the water running on low pressure, just enough to spritz them.  The boys and Sydney had a blast running through the sprayers, but Rylin was not interested at all.  Instead, she stayed cozy and dry on the sidelines.





As summer comes to a close, I’m furiously trying to update our summer bucket list.  Stay tuned!

  1. Movies
  2. Sea Life Aquarium
  3. Train ride
  4. Fire station tour
  5. Library story time
  6. Sprayground
  7. Zoo
  8. Bahama Buck’s
  9. Frozen yogurt
  10. Community pool
  11. Grill dinner outside
  12. Water Table
  13. Inflatable Pool
  14. Sprinklers
  15. Ice Cream
  16. Indoor playgrounds
  17. Lee’s Grilled Cheese
  18. Blow bubbles
  19. Chalk drawings
  20. Board games
  21. Play dates
  22. Summer Reading Club
  23. Dance classes
  24. Fireworks
  25. Sleep over with grandparents
  26. Nature Walks
  27. Bounce house
  28. Popsicles
  29. S’mores
  30. Sparklers
  31. Water pistol duels



PS- If you can’t get enough of Four to Adore, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

Ice Cream {Summer Bucket List}

By Texas standards, or summer has been mild with temperatures in the 90’s. The past week or so triple digits have arrived and it’s feeling like Texas in July. That meant time for ice cream! There’s a McDonald’s not far from our house so one afternoon we hit up the drive through for the $1 hot fudge sundaes. When we got home, we enjoyed every last drip of the creamy, cold stuff on our front porch.

Ice cream is a lovely summer treat, but going to McDonald’s meant we also needed some golden French fries.  Sydney decided ice cream was too cold and gobbled the fries instead…

golden french fries

ice cream

ice cream

ice cream

Believe it or not, we’ve tackled nearly every item on our summer bucket list.  It looks like I’ve got some posts to publish!

  1. Movies
  2. Sea Life Aquarium
  3. Train ride
  4. Fire station tour
  5. Library story time
  6. Sprayground
  7. Zoo
  8. Bahama Buck’s
  9. Frozen yogurt
  10. Community pool
  11. Grill dinner outside
  12. Water Table
  13. Inflatable Pool
  14. Sprinklers
  15. Ice Cream
  16. Indoor playgrounds
  17. Lee’s Grilled Cheese
  18. Blow bubbles
  19. Chalk drawings
  20. Board games
  21. Play dates
  22. Summer Reading Club
  23. Dance classes
  24. Fireworks
  25. Sleep over with grandparents
  26. Nature Walks
  27. Bounce house
  28. Popsicles
  29. S’mores
  30. Sparklers
  31. Water pistol duels



PS- If you can’t get enough of Four to Adore, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

Board Games {Summer Bucket List}

As part of our summer bucket list, we’ve been introducing preschool board games.  They are ideal for teaching social skills such as turn taking, winning and losing appropriately, problem solving, and following directions/ rules.  Our favorite preschool games include:

Four player games such as Hungry Hungry Hippos are absolutely perfect for quads.

Tea Party game

Hungry Hungry Hippos

Yippee!  We accomplished another of our bucket list items.

  1. Movies
  2. Sea Life Aquarium
  3. Train ride
  4. Fire station tour
  5. Library story time
  6. Sprayground
  7. Zoo
  8. Bahama Buck’s
  9. Frozen yogurt
  10. Community pool
  11. Grill dinner outside
  12. Water Table
  13. Inflatable Pool
  14. Sprinklers
  15. Ice Cream
  16. Indoor playgrounds
  17. Lee’s Grilled Cheese
  18. Blow bubbles
  19. Chalk drawings
  20. Board games
  21. Play dates
  22. Summer Reading Club
  23. Dance classes
  24. Fireworks
  25. Sleep over with grandparents
  26. Nature Walks
  27. Bounce house
  28. Popsicles
  29. S’mores
  30. Sparklers
  31. Water pistol duels



PS- If you can’t get enough of Four to Adore, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!